how long does it take for birds to fly
Featured Article

How Long Does It Take for Birds to Fly? – Bird Facts

If you are a curious birdwatcher, you might ask, how long does it take for birds to fly? The answer to this question may vary from one species of bird …

what birds have blue eggs

Tips & Tricks

What Birds Have Blue Eggs? Discover 21 Avian Species

It’s a wonder of nature that bird eggs can range from brown, white, to even blue …

how often should you feed a baby bird

Tips & Tricks

How Often Should You Feed a Baby Bird: Things to Know

If you’re a pet owner, it’s important to know how often should you feed a baby …

how to attract birds to a new feeder

Bird Feeder & Food

How to Attract Birds to a New Feeder? Tips for Bird Lover

If you are searching for how to attract birds to a new feeder, you probably got …

how do hummingbirds feed their young

Bird Feeder & Food

How Do Hummingbirds Feed Their Young? – Hummingbird Facts

A hummingbird’s diet consists of different types of insects, such as spiders, gnats, mosquitoes, and fruit …

where do kiwi birds live

Tips & Tricks

Where Do Kiwi Birds Live? Several Facts You Might Not Know

Kiwis are endangered flightless birds, so many might ask, “where do kiwi birds live?” and “where …

how to keep fountain water clean for birds

Tips & Tricks

How to Keep Fountain Water Clean for Birds? (Proper Method)

Having a clean fountain doesn’t only look nice–it attracts more birds! Over time, they will learn …

Bird Feeder & Food

how to attract birds to a new feeder
Bird Feeder & Food

How to Attract Birds to a New Feeder? Tips for Bird Lover

If you are searching for how to attract birds to a new feeder, you probably got a new …

how do hummingbirds feed their young
Bird Feeder & Food

How Do Hummingbirds Feed Their Young? – Hummingbird Facts

A hummingbird’s diet consists of different types of insects, such as spiders, gnats, mosquitoes, and fruit flies. They …