There are literally thousands of Birding Organizations around the world! Some organizations cater to local birders — in every corner of the globe. Other organizations draw together scientists working on taxonomic issues. Many global organizations work to preserve the habitat needed for the birds’ survival. In many cases, an organization’s members are actively involved in all three — birding, scientific research and conservation!
We would like to make it easy for Birders from all over the world to find YOUR organization! Please send us an e-mail and tell us in which section your organization belongs. Please include you organization’s official web site address.
Birding/Ornithology Organizations:
American Birding Association
American Ornithologists’ Union
Association of Field Ornithologists
Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
Cooper Ornithological Society
Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
Ontario Partners in Flight
Pacific Seabird Group
Partners in Flight – US
Raptor Education Foundation
Raptor Research Foundation
Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center
Society of Canadian Ornithologists
The Waterbird Society
Wilson Ornithological Society
Western Atlantic Shorebird Association
Western Field Ornithologists
International Organizations
African Bird Club
British Ornithologists’ Union
Birdlife Australia
Australian Bird Study Association
Dutch Birding Association
Hong Kong Bird Watching Society
Society of Caribbean Ornithologists
Neotropical Bird Club
Oriental Bird Club
Ornithological Society of the Middle East
Skanian Ornithological Society
Finnish Rarities Committee
Hungary Rarities Committee
Oxfordshire Ornithological Society
Scotland Bird Club
Cape Bird Club
Cumbria Bird Club
Bird Observatories and Banding Stations:
US Bird Banding Laboratory
North American Bird Banding Manual Index
Southeastern Arizona Bird Observatory (Arizona)
Black Swamp Bird Observatory (Ohio)
Braddock Bay Bird Observatory (New York)
Cape May Bird Observatory (New Jersey)
Chipper Woods Bird Observatory (Indiana)
Derby Hill Bird Observatory (New York)
Great Basin Bird Observatory (Nevada)
Hanging Rock Raptor Observatory (West Virginia)
Hawk Mountain Sanctuary (Pennsylvania)
Long Point Bird Observatory (Ontario)
Ontario Bird Banding Association (Ontario)
Point Reyes Bird Observatory (California)
Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory (Colorado)
Rouge River Bird Observatory (Michigan)
San Francisco Bird Observatory (California)
Western Bird Banding Association
Whitefish Point Bird Observatory (Michigan)
Bird Ringing Centre (Sweden)
Takern Field Station (Sweden)
Conservation Organizations: North American Conservation Organizations
American Bird Conservancy
Audubon Local Chapters 508 Local Chapters of National Audubon
Massachusetts Audubon
New Jersey Audubon
“Ding” Darling Wildlife Society
Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences
National Audubon Society
The Peregrine Fund
Sierra Club
International Conservation Organizations
Conservation International
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
The Nature Conservancy
World Wildlife Fund
World Conservation Union
Conservation International do Brazil