How to Get Rid of a Birds Nest? – 10 Steps to Do


Written by

Clinton Atkins



George Dukes

how to get rid of a birds nest

During the breeding season, birds find their way into the houses of humans. They usually build their nests in the porch, roof, garage, eaves, vents, and gutters. And no matter how beautiful these feathered creatures are, them nesting in your home is messy. That’s why it’s essential to find out how to get rid of a birds nest.

But before you act and remove a nest, know that the law prohibits harming any bird species. Getting rid of them must be done properly and carefully. And if you’re not sure how to handle the task, simply call a professional wildlife rehabilitator.

Guide on How to Eliminate Bird Nests


1. Materials Needed To Remove A Bird Nest

Removing a bird’s nest properly is easy, but there are steps to follow. In making your home nest-free, there are certain tools that you need on hand. Let’s check them out:

  • Protective gear (gloves, mask)
  • Hand soap
  • Bird repellent gel, animal decoys, and bird spikes
  • Ladder
  • Bleach
  • Scrub brush
  • Insecticides
  • Hole-covering materials
  • Birdhouse or roost box

2. Efficient Method To Properly Remove Bird Nests

In this section, we will talk about the proper steps to follow in order to get rid of birds nest in gutter, porch, roof, garage, or other crevices in your house. You’ll know when birds are nesting once you see or hear birds visiting your home frequently. Bird noises are also a sure sign, especially when they come from secluded areas of your property.

Step #1: Nest confirmation


The first thing you need to do is confirm that it’s a bird nest that you found. And then check the stage of the nest, whether it is in the construction phase, inhabited, or abandoned.

If the nest is filled with eggs or baby birds, you can’t touch it. But you can ask for help from a wildlife rehabilitator in getting rid of birds nest.

If the nest you found is still not finished or if the nesting period is over, then proceed to the next step.

Step #2: Wear protective gear

If you find birds nesting in roof how to get rid of them is your top priority. But in performing this task, you need to protect yourself, too. So grab a face mask, a pair of gloves, long sleeves, and long pants before you handle the nest.

And make sure to wash your hands well after the job.

Step #3: Remove nest

Once you’re geared up, simply lift the nest in eaves or wherever it is located. However, birds usually make a home in crevices and hard-to-reach places. And so the removal process can get tricky.

If the nest is situated in the eaves, gutter, top of the roof, vents, or porch roof, then you need a ladder to reach it. The height of the ladder depends on how tall the nest spot is. And in using this tool, make sure that the ladder is stable enough to keep you safe.

Step #4: Throw nest


Once you have successfully remove a bird nest from its location in your home, throw it in the trash. But before you do, place it inside a trash bag and seal it properly.

Make sure that no scavenger animal can open the trash. You certainly don’t want the nest to mess up your garbage area.

Step #5: Clean up

After a pigeon nest removal or any other species, it’s time to clean up the nesting space. Use a bleach solution for this activity. Every remnant of the nest must be eliminated, so clean up well.

Step #6: Apply repellent gel

The best avian repellent gel can make sure that birds will not come back to your home. There are a variety of brands that sell this kind of product, but choose one with the highest quality.

Follow the instructions provided on how to apply the deterrent gel. Even if birds come back, the stickiness of the gel will make them want to leave.

Step #7: Install bird deterrents

It’s essential to scare birds away before they even reach your roof, porch, garage, or other spots that avians may nest. You can achieve this goal by installing bird spikes, hanging shiny objects, and placing plastic animal decoys.

These items deter birds effectively, and once they see them, avians will never come and nest in your house.

Step #8: Use insecticides


Keep in mind that birds love to feed on insects. And they usually nest in places in the house where they can find their favorite meals.

So if you never want to remove bird nest from vent, roof, porch, or garage, then eliminate insects from your house. What you can do is spray a reliable brand of insecticide.

Step #9: Restrict Access

To avoid engaging in a bird nest treatment in the future, it’s ideal to completely block avians’ access to the home. Cover the holes in places where nests may be built. Close all windows in your attic, and make sure that avians cannot access crevices for nesting.

Step #10: Provide nest

The cost of a roosting box or birdhouse is not too much. If you want to attract birds to your home but not allow them to nest inside your home, then provide them with a nesting place.

Install a birdhouse or nesting box in your yard, particularly near a feeder. Once birds see that they have a great place to rest, they won’t bother your house.

Who to Call to Remove Bird Nest?

A professional bird nest remover is the person to call. It’s safer to go through this route than do the removal yourself. This is especially beneficial when you need a nest removed while the eggs are incubating, or the baby birds are nesting.

Yes, it’s illegal to remove an active nest. But with a professional wildlife rehabilitator, the law permits this action. A local professional has the proper training, tools, and resources to safely remove a bird nest and relocate them in the wild.

Why You Need to Remove Bird Nests?


Hearing the early morning songs of the birds is rejuvenating. But if the loud chirping comes from inside your home, the foul smell will surely follow. And worse, bird nests can cause sickness to your whole family. That’s why a bird nest removal process must be performed.

Let’s dig deeper into the reasons why you must remove a bird nest from your house.

  • Noise – Once the eggs are hatched, the baby birds will start chirping loudly all day and night. They will disturb your sleep and will not give you peace.
  • Odor – The combination of nests, young avians, bird foods, droppings, and adult birds produces a foul smell. No one wants to come home to that odor.
  • Diseases – Birds can carry transferable diseases to humans. Though they’re not always serious, getting sick because of avians is unpleasant.
  • Parasites and pests – Ticks, flees, scabies, chiggers, and mites are always present when there is a bird nest. These pests can cause discomfort and even illness.

When to Take Out Bird Nests From Your Property

There are effective ways to get rid of bird nest on porch, roofs, eaves, and other places in your home. But before you take action, you should know the right time to take out the nest. Keep in mind that timing is everything.

  • Incomplete nest – The best time to eliminate a nest is while the birds are still building it. It’s indeed easier to eliminate all the partial materials, to stop the avians from carrying out their plans.
  • After breeding – It’s illegal to harm birds, and removing the nest while there are eggs or baby birds may lead to injuries. Removing the nest after the breeding season is better.

But if you’re not able to notice a nest nesting process or can’t wait for the breeding season to be over, then call a professional nest removal service to help.


The guide that we provided on how to get rid of a birds nest is effective. Always remember that there are two instances only when you can remove a nest. One is when the construction is ongoing, and second is after the nesting season. With an active nest, leave the job to the professional wildlife rehabilitator.

Additionally, you need to prevent the birds from coming back. Do this by applying bird repellents, installing deterrents, and fixing holes.

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