Reasons Why Storks Deliver Babies – Let’s Separate Facts from Myths


Written by

Clinton Atkins



George Dukes

why storks deliver babies

Why storks deliver babies? The association between the two can be traced back centuries and is widespread around the world. There are different theories and stories behind this stork-baby myth. Two possible explanations are storks being good role models as parents and their nine-month migration.

Let’s learn more about the storks and babies correlation in the following section. We also included some stork and baby images. Read on.

Why Do Storks Deliver Babies?


The stork bird and baby is a story passed around for many years as an explanation of where babies come from. But with many bird species in the world, why is the stork associated with delivering newborns to expectant parents?

1. The good role models

Storks have white feathers and this color is translated to pureness. These birds make their nests near people’s houses, sometimes on chimneys and roofs. They have little to no fear of humans as long as you don’t disturb them.

Moreover, storks stay faithful to one partner and mate for life. Their fidelity and attentive parenting linked them to fertility and making exemplary role models for a baby human. A stork with a baby can only mean good family values for the child and their eager parents.

2. Nine-month migration


Storks start their migration in the summer. They will travel from Norway, throughout Northern Europe and Africa. Their trips last for nine months as they circle back to where they started.

In medieval times, couples in northern Europe tie the knot in the belief that the summer solstice brings fertility. The newlyweds will start creating a family and give birth to their honeymoon babies when the storks return in the next spring.

This coincidence established the stork dropping the baby to their parents. The white birds became harbingers of new life to the people of Norway and Germany during the Pagan area. Since then, the tale has become more complex and has materialized in other countries.

3. Where does the stork story come from?

The origin story of the stork begins in ancient Greece. The legend narrates that Hera, Zeus’ wife, changed a mortal Pygmy queen named Gerena into a stork. The Queen of the Gods’ anger is rooted in the faultless beauty of Gerena and the rumors of her affair with Zeus.

After turning Gerena, Hera forced the stork away, but the latter cannot leave her newborn baby who is possibly sired by Zeus. Therefore, she wrapped the baby in the blanket, carried them on her beak, and flew far away.

That one might be a lesser-known stork-bringing baby explanation. The version that became popular across the world was the version written by Hans Christian Andersen in the 19th century. The parable was titled The Stork, a short tale with many versions.

No matter how the story changed, it served its purpose of answering the sudden and awkward questions of children about where babies come from. Sexual reproduction used to be a taboo topic at that time; thus, parents turn to these easy-to-tell stories.

Why Are Storks Associated With Delivering Newborn Babies?


Storks are deemed as bringers of good luck, purity, rebirth, fertility, loyalty, childbirth, and family protection. The maternal instinct and nurturing nature of these birds associate this bird with delivering babies. Different cultures around the world have their stork-carrying baby meaning to share, each one focusing on specific values.

1. Do storks deliver babies in real life?

No. While the stork is a bird that brings babies to its parents in many stories, it is not possible in reality. Besides, there is no scientific evidence to back up the stork-delivering baby story.

2. What bird carries babies?


The stork is the only bird linked to carrying a human infant. You will never see a crane or a swan carrying a human baby. It is not physically possible. However, these birds often carry their baby on their backs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do babies come from storks?

Babies coming from storks are a legend that is widespread around the world. But this does not mean the baby comes out of the birds. Storks are merely messenger birds that drop off babies to a family.

Are storks real?

Yes, stork birds are real. These bird species with long legs and necks exist. You can find a real baby stork in many regions in Africa, the Middle East, and Europe. They inhabit savannas, open wetlands, and dry areas.


Storks are one of the most recognized birds, thanks to all the delivering baby stories linked to them. And while procreation is now widely accepted in many cultures, many of us still prefer the stork myth to tell the kids. In telling this tale, we are celebrating the values connected to these birds and hope it sticks with us.

Now that you know why storks deliver babies, we hope you can answer such questions thrown at you. Or if you are a modest parent and are revealing the truth to your children, this article will help you unfold everything.

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