How to Get Rid of Crows Without Scaring Other Birds? – 3 Ways


Written by

Clinton Atkins



George Dukes

how to get rid of crows without scaring other birds

Have you been furiously searching the internet for “how to get rid of crows in my neighborhood?” but don’t want other birds to leave your yard? That led you here, which means you are closer to finding the solution to your crow problem.

We have some effective methods on how to get rid of crows without scaring other birds and more information that can help you handle these bully birds.

The Best Way to Get Rid of Crows Without Scaring Other Birds


Crows are often spotted in suburban neighborhoods, woodlands, urban areas, and almost everywhere if you are in North America. While they are helpful in some ways by eating pests and cleaning up animal carcasses, they can also be a headache.

If you don’t have a bird feeder, a crow repellent might work for you. This crow deterrent has several variations, but the recipe we have is the most commonly used and most popular for many.

1. Homemade crow repellent

What to prepare:


  • 2 dozen red or green chili peppers
  • ¼ cup vinegar
  • ½ galloon water
  • Large glass container with cap
  • Chopping board and knife (or a mortar and pestle)
  • Stirrer
  • Spray bottle

Step 1. Prepare the peppers


Slice the peppers thinly. You can also crush it with a mortar and pestle. 

Step 2. Mix the ingredients


Add the peppers and water to a large container. Mix thoroughly with the stirrer.

Step 3. Let the mixture sit to ferment


Put the cap on the glass container and leave it under the sun for 2 to 5 days. If you can’t wait that long, you can boil the mixture in a pot for a few hours.

Step 4. Transfer to the spray bottle


Add the vinegar to the fermented mixture and give it a good stir. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and label it.

Step 5. Spray away


Use this solution in areas where crows usually hover around. Apply the spray every three to five days.

2. Sounds to scare crows away


Crows are not big fans of loud noises because they feel threatened when encountering rattling sounds. Making use of this knowledge can help keep crows off your roof.

Before anything else, let your neighbors know you’ll use sound repellents to drive away crows. Set a time of the day when you plan to use this so they can anticipate and prepare for it. Besides, it might require several consistent tries before you see results.

Stick to these types of sounds to keep crows out of garden.

  • Distress signals
  • Rattling noises
  • Predator calls (eagles, hawks, owls)
  • Yelling physically or manually making any noise

The last one might require more effort, but it is an effective way for crows to link the unique noise to your area. They will surely stay clear of your home every time they hear it.

3. Professional crow removal


Contacting wildlife removal pfrofessionals is another option you can consider to get rid of crows but not other birds. They can handle dead or living crows using ethical techniques. You can also get a crow control service for prevention.

When looking for an expert crow removal company, make sure that they are licensed and experienced. That way, you are getting the service you deserve and don’t have to worry about crows taking over your property again.

What Attracts Crows to My Yard

Why are crows in my yard? All of a sudden, there are so many crows in my yard! How should I deal with this?

First, let’s find out some of the reasons crows are attracted to your property.

1. Food scraps in the open


Accidentally leaving out food or even a bit of crumb from a dinner in the garden can grab a crow’s attention. Any pile of trash, food waste, or open compost is a magnet not only to these birds but also to other wild animals lurking in your area.

Feeding a crow by hand can also alert more birds with just a few caws. They’ll remember and come back to your property in search of food.

2. Warm and secure shelter


During the cold months, crows stick together in search of a place to rest. They will look for a spot in tall trees that provides a safe and comfortable sanctuary. The spot should also give them a clear view of the danger and the accessibility to warn others in case of any danger.

Crows will likely gather if your property has a  shed or barn. Practically anything with an overhead cover is a comfortable area for them to rest and keep warm.

The Risks of Crows


Now, why do we need to get rid of crows so badly?

  • Disease Outbreak

A large flock of crows can inevitably pass around diseases. If they carry the illness wherever they go, they are bound to pass it to other bird species and even humans, causing an outbreak.

  • Bird Poop

Too many crow droppings can really mess up your property. The excrement can cover your cars, your roof, sheds, and everything outside. Plus, it smells, too.

The worst thing is it can cause illness when humans come in contact with or inhale bird poop. For instance, people exposed to bird droppings for many consecutive years are vulnerable to histoplasmosis – a potentially deadly fungal infection that affects the lung.

  • Pet And Wildlife Disturbances

Crow cawing endlessly throughout the day can cause stress to your pets. In addition, as crows are big bullies and violence-prone, they may come after your pets or scare off the local wildlife.

  • Property Damage

Birds, especially crows, like to peck at things from windows to wall siding and insulation. This will cost you hundreds in repair if you don’t drive them away from your home.

Coops and sheds are no exception. In fact, it’s these birds’ favorite. You will have to try harder than usual with your crow-repellent strategies as they will try to hold out for as long as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions


Do crows scare away other birds?

Yes, they can! Small birds like cardinals, sparrows, and bluejays get easily scared of crows. Well, who wouldn’t when you hear screeching and their large bulky bodies?

Why should I use humane crow control methods than poisons or traps?

Crow poisoning and traps are brutal ways to deal with the inconvenience these birds bring. Some consider it a quick fix, but it is inhumane and does not address the problem.

If you kill crows, it does not mean they won’t return. Instead, you are giving more opportunities for the young generation of crows to survive with less competition for food and territories.

It is better to opt for humane control methods like the crow project of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, which aims to lead migratory crows to a non-problematic where the birds can roost.

How can I prevent crows from returning?

To keep crows away, it is important to follow the tips below:

  • Get rid of food trash, pet food, and compost that is out in the open.
  • Avoid eating outside if possible.
  • Don’t leave food scraps after eating outside or feeding your pets outside.
  • Have a control program in place and switch them up.

Remember, crows are intelligent birds, and it is extra challenging to keep them away once they make themselves feel welcome in your home.

What do crows hate the most?

Crows are afraid of and detest anything shiny. Some examples are reflective tapes, aluminum foil, CDs, and mylar balloons. Hanging these items will effectively repel crows.

Are crows dangerous?

Black crows often have an evil reputation because of their plumage color. However, these birds are rarely a threat to humans and seldom fight. Crows will only attack when they, their family, or their territory is in danger.

How to scare away crows from bird feeders?

Homeowners are constantly looking for ways to get rid of the crows but keep the other birds. You see, crows at bird feeder spell disaster as they drive away other bird species from feeders.

The solution is to purchase a crow-proof bird feeder. Squirrel-proof feeders also work against crows. You can also simply opt for a bird feeder designed only for smaller birds. They don’t cater to large avian species; thus, they’ll look unappealing to crows.

Are magpies and crows friends?

Crows and magpies are always in a squabble. These two species are aggressive toward each other, especially during breeding season. Crows are often the harasser, making sure that there are no magpies near their territories.

The two birds also share some similarities. They are both intelligent and like crops. Plus, you can scare off crows and magpies with the same methods we previously mentioned!


Now that you know how to get rid of crows without scaring other birds, we hope you don’t have to ask anyone else, “How to deter crows around my house?”

All the information we shared with you in this article is the best course of action to take when crows invade your property. We hope you have a better understanding of this topic after reading what we have.

If you have some interesting and effective crow-repellent ideas you tried and worked like magic, share them with us in the comments!

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